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Peer Reviewed Publications


Matthews, D.B. & Best, P.J.  (1995).  Fimbria/fornix lesions facilitate the learning of a non-spatial response task.  Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2(1), 113-116. 


Matthews, D.B., Simson, P.E. & Best, P.J.  (1995).  Acute ethanol impairs the use of spatial memory but not the use of stimulus/response memory in the rat.  Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 19(4), 902-909. 


Matthews, D.B., Simson, P.E. & Best, P.J. (1995).  Impaired spatial memory in rats after acute ethanol exposure.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 19(4), Highlights.



Matthews, D.B., Simson, P.E. & Best, P.J.  (1996).  Ethanol alters the spatial processing of hippocampal place cells: a mechanism for impaired navigation when intoxicated.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 20(2), 404-407. 


Matthews, D.B., Best, P.J., White, A.M., Vandergriff, J. & Simson, P.E., (1996).  Ethanol impairs spatial cognitive processing: new behavioral and electrophysiological findings.  Current Directions in Psychological Science, 5(4), 111-115. 


Matthews, D.B. & Best, P.J.  (1997).  Evidence for the flexible use of spatial knowledge in the rat.  Psychobiology, 25(4), 294-302.


Matthews, D.B., Devaud, L.L., Fritschy, J.M., Sieghart, W. & Morrow, A.L.  (1998).  Differential regulation of GABAA receptor gene expression by ethanol in the rat hippocampus vs. cerebral cortex.  Journal of Neurochemistry, 70, 1160-1166.  


Matthews, D.B. & Simson, P.E.  (1998).  Prenatal exposure to ethanol disrupts spatial memory: effect of the training-testing delay period.  Physiology & Behavior, 64(1), 63-67. 


Grobin, A.C., Matthews, D.B., Devaud, L.L. & Morrow, A.L.  (1998).  The role of GABAA receptors in the acute and chronic effects of ethanol. Psychopharmacology, 139(1/2), 2-19.


Matthews, D.B. & Uhler-Dietz B.  (1998).  The black sheep effect: how positive and negative advertisements affect voters’ perceptions of the sponsor of the advertisement.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28, 1902-1914.  


Matthews, D.B., Illgen, M.A., White, A.M. & Best, P.J.  (1999).  Acute ethanol administration impairs spatial performance while facilitating non-spatial performance in rats.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 72, 169-179.  


Davaud, L. L., Matthews, D. B. & Morrow, A. L.  (1999).  Gender impacts behavioral and neurochemical adaptations in ethanol dependent rats.  Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior. 64, 841-849.


Morrow, A.L., Janis, G.L., Van Doren, M.J., Matthews, D.B., Samson, H.H., Janis, P. & Grant, K.A. (1999).  Neurosteroids mediate pharmacological effects of ethanol: A new mechanism of ethanol action?  Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 23, 1933-1940.  


VanDoren, M.J., Matthews, D.B., Janis, G.C., Grobin, A.C., Devaud, L.L & Morrow, A.L.  (2000).  Neuroactive steroid 3a-hydroxy-5a-Pregnan-20-one modulates behavioral and electrophysiological actions of ethanol.  Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 1982-1989.  


Matthews, D.B. & Morrow, A.L. (2000).  The effects of acute and chronic ethanol exposure on spatial cognitive processing and hippocampal function in the rat.  Hippocampus, 10, 122-130. 


White, A.M., Matthews, D.B. & Best, P.J. (2000).  Ethanol, memory and hippocampal function: A review of recent findings.  Hippocampus, 10, 88-93.  


Matthews, D.B.  (2000).  Ethanol and the hippocampal system: behavior to molecular biology.  Hippocampus, 10, 87.   


Matthews, D.B, Kralic, J. E., Devaud, L.L., Fritschy, J.M. & Morrow, A.L.  (2000).  Chronic blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors alters g-Aminobutyric acid type A receptor gene expression and function in the rat.  Journal of Neurochemistry, 74, 1522-1528.  


Kampov-Polevoy, A.B, Matthews, D.B., Gause, L., Morrow, A.L. & Overstreet, D.H. (2000).  Development of physical dependence upon alcohol in p rats: changes in seizure thresholds, anxiety and patterns of alcohol drinking.   Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 24, 278-284.  


Matthews, D.B., Criswell, H.E., Grobin, A.C. & Morrow, A.L.  (2000).  Chronic ethanol consumption alters recovery of spontaneously active medial septal/diagonal band of Broca neurons from GABA-microiontophoresis.  Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 24, 1427-1432.  


Matthews, D.B., Overstreet, D.H., Rezvani, A.H., Devaud, L.L. & Morrow, A.L.  (2001).  Comparisons of sweetened ethanol solutions on ethanol self-administration and blood ethanol levels.  Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior, 68, 13-21.  


Hoffmann, S.E. & Matthews, D.B.  (2001).  Ethanol-induced impairments in spatial working memory are not due to deficits in learning.  Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 25, 856-861.  


Grobin, A.C., Matthews, D.B., Montoya, D., Wilson, W.A., Morrow, A.L., & Swartzwelder, H. S. (2001). Age related differences in neurosteroid potentiation of muscimol-stimulated 36Cl- flux following chronic ethanol treatment. Neuroscience, 105, 547-552.  


Morrow, A.L., VanDoren M.J., Penland, S.N. & Matthews, D.B.  (2001).  The Role of GABAergic Neuroactive Steroids in Ethanol Action, Tolerance and Dependence.  Brain Research Reviews, 37, 98-109. 


Matthews, D.B., Morrow, A.L., Tokunaga, S. & McDaniel, J.R.  (2002).  Acute ethanol administration and acute allopregnanolone administration impair spatial memory in the Morris water task. Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 26, 1747-1751.  


Tokunage, S., McDaniel, J.R., Morrow, A.L. & Matthews, D.B.  (2003).  Effect of acute ethanol administration and acute allopregnanolone administration on spontaneous hippocampal pyramidal cell neural activity.  Brain Research, 967, 273-280.  


Mittleman, G.  Van Brunt, C.L. & Matthews D.B.  (2003).  Schedule induced ethanol self-administration in DBA/2J and C57BL/6J.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 27, 918-925.   


Silvers, J.M., Tokanaga, S., Mittleman, G. & Matthews D.B.  (2003).  Chronic intermittent ethanol exposure during adolescence produces metabolic, hypnotic and cognitive tolerance in rats.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 27, 1606-1612.  Highlighted article is issue. 


Morrow, A.L., Khisti, R.T., Tokunaga, S., McDaniel, J.R., Matthews, D.B.  (2003).  GABAergic Neuroactive steroids modulate selective ethanol actions: Mechanisms and significance. In: Neurosteroid Effects in the Central NervousSystem: The Role of the GABAA Receptor, Smith, S.H. (Ed.) CRC Press LLC, Miami, pp. 219-245 (2003).  


The Complex Trait Consortium (CTC)*  (2003).   Lorraine Flaherty, Oduola Abiola,  Joe M. Angel, Philip Avner, Alexander A. Bachmanov, John K. Belknap,  Beth Bennett, Elizabeth P. Blankenhorn, David A. Blizard, Valerie Bolivar, Gudrun A. Brockmann, Kari J. Buck , Jean-Francois Bureau, William L. Casley, Elissa J. Chesler, James M. Cheverud, Gary A. Churchill, Melloni Cook, John C. Crabbe, Wim E. Crusio Ariel Darvasi, Gerald de Haan Peter Demant, R.W. Doerge, Rosemary W. Elliott, Charles R. Farber, Jonathan Flint, Howard Gershenfeld, John P. Gibson, Weikuan Gu25, Heinz Himmelbauer26, Robert Hitzemann6, Hui-Chen Hsu27, Kent Hunter28, Fuad Iraqi24, Ritsert C. Jansen, Thomas E. Johnson, Byron C. Jones, Gerd Kempermann, Frank Lammert, Lu Lu, Kenneth F. Manly, Douglas B. Matthews, Juan F. Medrano, Margarete Mehrabian, Guy Mittleman, Beverly A. Mock, Jeffrey S. Mogi4, Xavier Montagutelli, Grant Morahan, John D. Mountz , Hiroki Nagase, Richard S. Nowakowski7, Bruce F. O'Hara, Alexander V. Osadchuk, Beverly Paigen, Abraham A. Palmer, Jeremy L Peirce, Daniel Pomp, Michael Rosemann,  Glenn D. Rosen, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Ze'ev Seltzer, Stephen Settle, Kazuhiro Shimomura, Siming Shou, James M. Sikela, Linda D. Siracusa, Jimmy L. Spearow, Cory Teuscher, David W. Threadgill, Linda A. Toth, Ayo A. Toye, Csaba Vadasz, Gary Van Zant Edward, Wakeland, Robert W. Williams, , Huang-Ge Zhang, Fei Zou  (2003).  The nature and identification of quantitative trait loci: a community’s view.  Nature Genetics Reviews, 4, 911-915.  


Silvers, J. M., Tokunaga, S., Berry, R.B., White, A.M. & Matthews D.B.  (2003).  Impairments in spatial learning and memory: ethanol, allopregnanolone and the hippocampus.  Brain Research Review 967, 273-280.  


Berry, R.B. & Matthews, D.B.  (2004).  Acute ethanol administration selectively impairs spatial memory in C57BL/6J Mice.  Alcohol, 32, 9-18. 


Khisti, R.T., VanDoren, M.J., Matthews, D. B. & Morrow A.L.  (2004).  Ethanol-induced elevation of 3a-hydroxy-5a-pregnan-20-one does not modulate motor in-coordination in rats.  Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 28, 1249-1256.  


Matthews, D.B. & Silvers, J.R.   (2004).  The use of acute ethanol administration as a tool to investigate multiple memory systems.   Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.  82, 299-308.  Invited Review.  


The Complex Trait Consortium (2004)  Churchill GA, Airey DC, Allayee H, Angel JM, Attie AD, Beatty J, Beavis WD, Belknap JK, Bennett B, Berrettini W, Bleich A, Bogue M, Broman KW, Buck KJ, Buckler E, Burmeister M, Chesler EJ, Cheverud JM, Clapcote S, Cook MN, Cox RD, Crabbe JC, Crusio WE, Darvasi A, Deschepper CF, Doerge RW, Farber CR, Forejt J, Gaile D, Garlow SJ, Geiger H, Gershenfeld H, Gordon T, Gu J, Gu W, de Haan G, Hayes NL, Heller C, Himmelbauer H, Hitzemann R, Hunter K, Hsu HC, Iraqi FA, Ivandic B, Jacob HJ, Jansen RC, Jepsen KJ, Johnson DK, Johnson TE, Kempermann G, Kendziorski C, Kotb M, Kooy RF, Llamas B, Lammert F, Lassalle JM, Lowenstein PR, Lu L, Lusis A, Manly KF, Marcucio R, Matthews D, Medrano JF, Miller DR, Mittleman G, Mock BA, Mogil JS, Montagutelli X, Morahan G, Morris DG, Mott R, Nadeau JH, Nagase H, Nowakowski RS, O'hara BF, Osadchuk AV, Page GP, Paigen B, Paigen K, Palmer AA, Pan HJ, Peltonen-Palotie L, Peirce J, Pomp D, Pravenec M, Prows DR, Qi Z, Reeves RH, Roder J, Rosen GD, Schadt EE, Schalkwyk LC, Seltzer Z, Shimomura K, Shou S, Sillanpaa MJ, Siracusa LD, Snoeck HW, Spearow JL, Svenson K, Tarantino LM, Threadgill D, Toth LA, Valdar W, de Villena FP, Warden C, Whatley S, Williams RW, Wiltshire T, Yi N, Zhang D, Zhang M, Zou F.   The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits.  Nature Genetics, 36, 1133-1137. 


Matthews, D.B.  (2004).  Neuroactive steroids and ethanol-induced decreases in spatial cognitive processing.  Proceedings of the 31st International Medical Advisory Group Conference, 31, 85-90.


Kralic, J.E., Criswell, H.E., Osterman, J., O’Buckley, T.K., Matthews, D.B., Hamre, K., Breese, G.R., Homanics, G.E. & Morrow, A.L.  (2005).  Genetic essential tremor in GABAA a1 subunit knockout mice.  Journal of Clinical Investigation, 115: 774-779.  


Matthews, D.B., Bhave, S.V., Belknap, J.K., Brittingham, C., Chesler, E.J., Hitzemann, R.J., Hoffmann, P.L., Lu, L., McWeeney, S., Miles, M.F., Tabakoff, B. & Williams, R.W.  (2005). Complex genetics of interactions of alcohol and CNS function and behavior.  Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 29: 1706-1719.  


Tokunaga, S.,  Silvers, J. & Matthews, D.B.  (2006).  Chronic intermittent ethanol exposure during adolescence blocks ethanol-induced inhibition of spontaneously active hippocampal pyramidal neurons.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30, 1-6.  


Goldowitz, D., Matthews, D.B., Hamre, K.M., Mittleman, G., Chesler, E.J., Becker H. C., Lopez, M.F., Jones, S.R., Mathews, T.A., Miles, M.F., Kerns, R. & Grant, K.A.  (2006).  Progress in using mouse inbred strains, consomics and mutants to identify genes related to stress, anxiety and alcohol phenotypes.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30, 1066-1078. 


Werner, D.F., Blednov, Y.A., Ariwodola, O.J., Silberman, Y., Logan, E., Berry, R.B., Borghese, C., Matthews, D.B., Weiner, J.L., Harrison, N.L., Harris, R.A., Homanics, G.E.  (2006).  Knock-in mice with ethanol-insensitive alpha1-containing GABAA receptors display selective alterations in behavioral responses to ethanol, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 319, 219-227.  


Silvers, J.M., Tokunaga, S., Mittleman, G., O’Buckley, T., Morrow, A.L. & Matthews, D.B.  (2006).  Chronic intermittent ethanol exposure during adolescence reduces the effect of ethanol challenge on hippocampal allopregnanolone levels and Morris water maze task performance,  Alcohol, 151-158.  


Hamre, K.M, Wilkenson, S., Goldowitz, D.G. & Matthews, D.B.  (2007).  Screening for ENU-Induced mutations in mice that result in aberrant ethanol-related phenotype.  Behavioral Neuroscience, 121, 665-678.  


Goa, J., Maison, S.F., Wu, X., Hirose, K., Jones, S.M., Bayazitov, I., Tian, Y., Mittleman, G., Matthews D.B., Zakharenko, S., Liberman, M.C. & Zuo, J.  (2007).  The orphan glutamate receptor [d]1 subunit is required for high-frequency hearing.  Molecular Cellular Biology, 27, 4500-4512.


Matthews, D.B., Morrow, A.L., O’Buckley, T., Berry, R.B., Mittleman, G., Goldowitz, D., Tokunaga, S. & Silvers, J.M.  (2008).  The effect of acute mild footshock on ethanol self-administration and plasma corticosterone levels in three commonly used mouse strains.  Alcohol, 42, 469-476.


Matthews, D.B., Chesler, E.J., Cook, M.N, Cockroft, J., Philip, V.M. & Goldowitz, D (2008).  Genetic mapping of vocalization to a series of increasing acute footshocks using B6.A consomic and B6.D2 congenic mouse strains.  Behavior Genetics, 38, 417-423.  Awarded Fulker Award from Behavior Genetics Association. 


Berry, R.B., Werner, D.E., Wang, X., Mittleman, G., Jablonski M.M., Homanics, G.E. & Matthews, D.B.  (2008). Mice with Targeted Genetic Reduction of GABAA Receptor a1 Subunits Display Performance Differences in Morris Water Maze Tasks.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 90, 580-583.  


Matthews, D.B.,  Tinsley, K., Diaz-Granados, J.L., Tokunaga, S. and Silvers, J.M.  (2008).  Chronic intermittent exposure to ethanol during adolescence  produces tolerance to the hypnotic effects of ethanol in male rats: a dose dependent analysis.  Alcohol, 42, 617-621.  


Berry, R.B., Chandra, D., Diaz-Granados, J.E., Homanics, G.E. & Matthews, D.B.  (2009).  Investigation of ethanol-induced impairment of spatial memory in γ2 heterozygous knockout mice.  Neuroscience Letters, 455, 84-87.  


Kumar, S., Porcu, P., Werner, D.F., Matthews, D.B., Diaz-Granados, J.L., Helfand, R.S., & Morrow, A.L.  (2009).  The Role of GABAA Receptors in the Acute and Chronic Effects of Ethanol:  A Decade of Progress.  Psychopharmacology, 205, 529-564. 


Matthews, D.B.  (2010).  Adolescence and Alcohol:  Recent Advances in Understanding the Impact of Alcohol Use During A Critical Developmental Window.  Alcohol, 44, 1-2. 


Chin, V.S., Van Skike, C.E. & Matthews, D.B.  (2010).  Effects of Ethanol on Hippocampal Function during Adolescence:  A Look at the Past and Thoughts on the Future.  Alcohol, 44, 3-14.  


Philip, V.M, Duvurru, S, Gomero, B, Ansah, T.A., Blaha, C.D., Cook, M.N., Hamre, K.M., Lariviere, R.W., Matthews, D.B.,  Mittleman, G.,  Goldowitz, D., & Chesler, E.J.  (2010).  High-throughput behavioral phenotyping in the expanded panel of BXD recombinant inbred strains.  Genes, Brain and Behavior, 9, 129-159. 


Van Skike, C.E., Botta, P., Chin, V.S., Tokunaga, S., McDaniel, J.M., Venard, J., Diaz-Granados, J.L., Valenzuela, C.F. & Matthews, D.B.  (2010).  Behavioral Effects of Ethanol in Cerebellum are Age Dependent: Potential System and Molecular Mechanisms.

            Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 34, 2070-2080. 


Mittleman, G., Call, S.B., Cockroft, J.L, Goldowitz, D., Matthews, D.B., & Blaha, C.D.  (2011).  Dopamine dynamics associated with, and resulting from, schedule-induced alcohol Self-administration:  Analyses in dopamine transporter knockout mice.  Alcohol, 45, 325-339. 


Chin, V.S.,  Van Skike, C.E.,  Berry, R.B., Kirk, R.E., Diaz-Granados, J., & Matthews, D.B.  (2011).  Effect of acute ethanol and acute allopregnanolone on spatial memory in adolescent and adult rats.  Alcohol, 45, 473-483. 


Du, X., Elberger, A.J., Matthews, D.B. & Hamre, K.M.  (2012).  Heterozygous deletion of NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor alters ethanol-related behaviors and regional expression of NR2 subunits in the brain.  Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 34, 177-186.


Novier, A, Van Skike, C.E., Chin, V.S., Diaz-Granados, J.L., & Matthews, D.B.  (2012). Effects of Low Dose Acute Ethanol on Cognition and Movement in Adolescent and Adult Rats.  Neuroscience Letters, 512, 38-42. 


Van Skike, C.E., Novier, A.K., Diaz-Granados, J.L. & Matthews, D.B.  (2012).  Adolescent spatial memory is resilient to chronic intermittent ethanol exposure: The dissociation of metabolic and cognitive tolerance.  Brain Research, 1453, 34-39. 


Novier, A., Van Skike, C.E., Diaz-Granados, JL., Mittleman, G., & Matthews, DB.  (2013).  Acute Alcohol Produces Ataxia and Cognitive Impairments in Aged Animals: A Comparison Between Young Adults and Aged Rats.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37, 1317-1324.


Zandy, S.L., Pang, J.S., Ho, M.H. & Matthews, D.B.  (2013).  Singaporean college students overpour drinks similar to Western populations: Influence of peer presence in a simulated alcohol-pouring task.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37, 1963-1970.  


Squeglia, L. M., Boissoneault, J., Van Skike, C. E., Nixon, S. J., & Matthews, D. B. (2014). Differential effects of alcohol across the lifespan: Recent insights from adolescent, adult, and aged populations using human and animal models. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38, 2509-2516.


Zandy, S.L*., Matthews, D.B.*, Tokunaga, S., Miller, A., Blaha, C.D. & Mittleman, G. (2015).  Reduced dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens core of adult rats following adolescent alcohol exposure: age and dose-dependent analysis.  Psychopharmacology, 232, 777-784.  *denotes equal contribution.


Van Skike, C.E., Diaz-Granados, J.L. & Matthews, D.B.  (2015).  Chronic intermittent ethanol exposure produces persistent anxiety in adolescent and adult rats.  Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, 262-271.


Ornelas, L.C., Novier, A., Van Skike, C.E., Diaz-Granados, J.L & Matthews, D.B.  (2015).  The effects of acute ethanol on motor impairments in adolescent, adult and aged rats.  Alcohol, 49, 121-126.


Novier, A., Diaz-Granados, J.L. & Matthews, D.B.  (2015).  Alcohol use across the lifespan: An analysis of adolescent and aged rodents and humans.  Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 133, 65-82.


Van Skike, C.E., Zandy, S.L. & Matthews, D.B.  (2016).  Substance use in adolescence.  In Puberty: Physiology and Abnormalities, Eds, Philip Kumanov and Ashok Agarwal, pp 273-285.


Novier, A., Ornelas, L.C., Diaz-Granados, J.L. & Matthews, D.B.  (2016).  Differences in Behavioral Responding in Adult and Aged rats following Chronic Ethanol Exposure.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, 1462-1472.


Matthews, D.B., Novier, A., Diaz-Granados, J.L., Van Skike, C.E., Ornelas, L. & Mittleman, G.  (2017).  Impact of adolescent alcohol use across the lifespan: Long-lasting tolerance to high dose alcohol coupled with potentiated spatial memory impairments to moderate dose alcohol.  Alcohol, 61, 33-42.


Matthews, D.B. & Mittleman, G.  (2017).  Age-dependent effects of chronic intermittent ethanol treatment: Gross motor behavior and body weight in aged, adult and adolescent rats.  Neuroscience Letters, 657, 146-150.


Matthews, D.B., Watson, M.R., James, K., Kastner, A., Schneider, A., & Mittleman, G.  (2019).  The impact of low to moderate chronic intermittent alcohol exposure on behavioral endpoints in aged, adult and adolescent rats,  Alcohol, 78, 33-42.


Van Skike, C.E., Goodlett, C. & Matthews, D.B.  (2019).  Acute alcohol and cognition: Remembering what it causes us to forget.  Alcohol., 79, 105-125.


Matthews, D.B., Schneider, A., Kastner, A., Scaletty, S., & Szenay, R.  (2019).  I can't drink what I used to: The interaction between ethanol and the aging brain.  International Review of Neurobiology, 148, 79-99.


Watson, M.R., James, K., Mittleman, G. & Matthews, D.B.  (2020).  Impact of acute ethanol exposure on body temperatures in aged, adult and adolescent male rats.  Alcohol 82, 81-89.


Matthews, D.B., Scaletty, S., Schreiber, A., & Trapp, S.  (2020).  Acute ethanol administration produces larger spatial and nonspatial memory impairments in 29-33 month old rats compared to adult and 18-24 month old rats.  Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 199, 173074,


Van Skike, C.E. & Matthews, D.B.  (2021).  Alcohol and the Aging Brain: Increased alcohol sensitivity potentially magnifying oxidative stress.  In The Neuroscience of Aging, pp 225-232.


Bauer, M.R., Hasenberg, W., Bakalars, C., Mittleman, G. & Matthews, D.B.  (2021).  Reinstating over-pouring behavior: Importance of the imagined drinking context.  Substance Use and Misuse, 56, 1374-1382.


Matthews, D.B. & Imhoff, B.M.  (2022).  Age modifies the effect of ethanol on behavior: Investigations in adolescent, adult and aged rats.  International Review of Neurobiology, 161, 251-275.


Matthews, D.B., Scaletty, S., Trapp, S., Kastner, A., Schneider, A., Schreiber, A & Rossmann, G.  (2022).  Chronic intermittent ethanol administration during adolescence produces sex dependent impairments in behavioral flexibility and survivability.  Brain Sciences, 12, 606,


Ho AM, Peyton MP, Scaletty SJ, Trapp S, Schreiber A, Madden BJ, Choi DS, Matthews DB (2022). Chronic Intermittent Ethanol Exposure Alters Behavioral Flexibility in Aged Rats Compared to Adult Rats and Modifies Protein and Protein Pathways Related to Alzheimer's Disease. ACS Omega. Dec 7;7(50):46260-46276. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.2c04528. PMID: 36570296; PMCID: PMC9774340.


Matthews, D.B. & Rossmann, G.  (2023).  Using animal models to identify clinical risk factors in the older population due to alcohol use and misuse.  Alcohol, 107, 38-43.


Matthews, D.B., Keyes, K & Ramchandani, V.A. (2023).  Alcohol and Aging.  Alcohol, 107, 1.


Matthews, D.B. & Koob, G.F. (2023).  On the critical need to investigate the effect of alcohol in the older population.  Alcohol, 107, 2-3. 


Sharma, P., Matthews, D.B., Nguyen, Q.A., Rossmann, G.L., Patten, C. & Hammond, C.J.  (2023).  Old dog, new tricks: Identifying and addressing youth cannabis vaping in the clinical setting.  Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics, 17, 1-6.


Mwendwa-Karinge, C., Muehlenkamp, J.J., Matthews, D.B. & Wilfridah, M.  (2023).  The role of trait impulsivity on suicidal behaviors in the emerging adult in Kenya.  Emerging Adulthood, 11, 884-892.


Sharma, P., Nguyen, Q.A., Matthews, S.J., Carpenter, E., Matthews, D.B., Patten, C.A., Hammond, C.J. (2023). Psilocybin history, action and reaction: A narrative clinical review. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1-17,


Matthews, D.B., Scaletty, S., Trapp, S., Schreiber, A., Rossmann, G., Imhoff, B., Petersilka, Q, Kastner, A., Pauly, J. & Nixon, K. (2023). Chronic intermittent ethanol exposure during adolescence produces sex- and age-dependent changes in anxiety and cognition without changes in microglia reactivity late in life. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2023.1223883


Matthews, D.B. (2024). Who you follow is important…. Alcohol, 114, 41-42


Matthews, D.B., Rossmann, G., Matthews, S.J., Zank, A., Shult, C., Turunen,A. & Sharma, P. (2024). Increased anxiolytic effect in aged female rats and increased motoric behavior in aged male rats to acute alcohol administration: Comparison to younger animals. Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior, 239, 173770.


Matthews, D.B., Kerr, E., Zank, A, Hartwig, J., Garscia, A., Stumo, S. & Sharma, P. (in press). Recent investigations designed to unravel the interaction of aging and alcohol on behavior, cognition and potential neurobiological mechanisms. In Effects of Alcohol on the Brain across the lifespan – Recent Advances from Preclinical Studies. Edited by Fernando Vaalenzuela, David L Linsenbardt and Jeffrey L. Weiner.


Matthews, D.B. & Kerr, E.  (2024).  Interaction of age and sex as factors in understanding the anxiolytic effects of alcohol: Unasked questions limiting the understanding of a critical health issue.  Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior, 245:1173881 doi: 10.1016/j.pbb.2024.173881.


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